External factors related to the patient's lifestyle are of great importance for the skin changes characteristic of psoriasis, in particular the frequency of relapses and their duration. In the medical literature, many so-called psoriasis triggers, i.e. environmental factors that influence the occurrence of the disease. In many publications that analyze the impact of individual factors, overweight, alcohol abuse and tobacco smoking are mentioned in the first place.
Long-term stress is the main initiator of the intensification of disease symptoms. Psychological factors may exacerbate skin lesions. On the other hand, diseases that manifest themselves in changes visible to the environment may cause the patient to have lower self-esteem or distort his or her own body image. Skin diseases affect the patient's psyche and his/her functioning in the environment, because the changed appearance of the skin may cause stigmatization. Emotional factors accompanying psoriasis include shame, embarrassment, embarrassment, lack of self-acceptance, which quite often leads to disturbances in body image, low mood and depression. Troubleshooting psoriasis involves treatment to alleviate physical and emotional symptoms.
People with psoriasis are more sensitive to stress factors; they belong to the group of so-called high stress reactors. Scientists warn that chronic stress has reached epidemic proportions, as it contributes to the development of lifestyle diseases: hypertension, diabetes, obesity. So you should try to reduce your stress level. The best way is physical activity, during which endorphins - happiness hormones - are released. The practice that best reduces stress is practicing yoga. Ready-made exercise sets can be easily found on the Internet. To combat stress, it is also worth ensuring a regular circadian rhythm and rest during sleep. Meditation, aromatherapy or listening to soothing music can help you fall asleep. Relaxation techniques such as Jacobson's training (gradual muscle tension and relaxation) or Schultz's autogenic training may also be useful in reducing stress. (visualization of a feeling of heaviness and warmth) Stress may reduce the resources of B vitamins, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron and potassium, so it is worth making sure that these ingredients are included in the daily menu.
Diet in psoriasis is of great importance. What matters is what we eat, i.e. the quality of the products we eat, but also their quantity and frequency, adequate hydration of the body and physical activity. These factors play an important role in metabolic processes in the body, as well as in the removal of toxins. The basic task of the psoriasis diet is to support processes related to inflammation. Base your diet on healthy products - eat lots of green vegetables and fruit, white meat and fish. A very important aspect of the diet is to avoid products that may worsen the symptoms of the disease. Eliminate processed foods, avoid sugar, red meat and sweet drinks. A properly balanced diet will help minimize the symptoms of psoriasis. It should provide the body with the necessary ingredients that are responsible for proper skin hydration and improve its overall condition.
The basic task of the psoriasis diet is to support processes related to metabolism. For this purpose, the liver and kidneys are involved, which neutralize toxins and remove them, the intestines, which ensure regular excretion of toxins, and the lungs and skin - which also eliminate toxins from the body through physical activity.
Past illnesses and medications
The lesions often occur as a result of an acute bacterial or viral disease. Each disease weakens the human immune system, making it more susceptible to attack by other viruses and bacteria. In the case of psoriasis, the weakened immune system cannot properly fight the disease process and the disease becomes active. The most important here are acute streptococcal infections, chronic bacterial and fungal infections, type II diabetes, as well as inflammatory dermatoses - herpes zoster, chickenpox, acne and seborrheic dermatitis. Psoriasis may coexist with other diseases. People with psoriasis have an increased incidence of cardiovascular dysfunction and metabolic disorders.
Some medications have a significant impact on the occurrence of a disease flare. The greatest importance is assigned to drugs from the group of β-blockers, corticosteroids, lithium salts, antimalarials, NSAIDs, and interferon. Psoriasis patients suffering from other skin diseases are often forced to use medications appropriate for the coexisting condition, which may cause exacerbations of the disease. When these drugs are initially used, the symptoms disappear very quickly, but after their discontinuation, the symptoms recur. Check the composition of fabrics - avoid wool and mohair, which may irritate inflamed skin. Make sure the clothes you buy are soft and comfortable. Avoid preservatives that affect the hormonal system. In the case of perfumed products, the likelihood of skin allergies is much greater. Don't buy deodorants with alcohol, perfumed soaps or even some washing liquids because they may irritate your sensitive skin.
Mechanical injuries, including scraping of the psoriatic scale, may also contribute to the occurrence of symptoms of the disease. Other physical factors are also important - dermabrasion, vaccinations, burns, insect bites, injections, surgical wounds, cuts, scratches, tattoos and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Recurrence of psoriasis or worsening of the skin condition may also be related to poor treatment. Improper hygiene and the use of inappropriate cosmetics may contribute to the skin becoming infected again with the disease process.
Metabolic and hormonal disorders
Metabolic disorders are also important, the most common of which are hyperlipidemia (increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood), hypocalcemia (reduced calcium levels in the blood), uremia (impaired kidney function) and gluten intolerance. Psoriasis may coexist with other diseases: people with psoriasis have an increased incidence of cardiovascular dysfunction and metabolic disorders. Hormonal factors such as puberty, menopause, pregnancy and childbirth play an important role in the recurrence of the disease.